Friday, July 31, 2009
Our First Fourteen
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mid-Life Moment
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Garden of the Gods
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
The Mountains At Last!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Coors Field
Friday, July 24, 2009
Germany - Part 2 - Berlin
On our last full day in Germany, the Schünemanns took us to Berlin, where, on the next morning, we would catch our flight back to the U.S. Wilhelm drove us, and it was our first time on the Autobahn. Wilhelm cruised at 210 kph (125 mph) for part of the trip.
“They will build houses and dwell in them;
they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit….
The wolf and the lamb will feed together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox,
but dust will be the serpent’s food.
They will neither harm nor destroy
on all my holy mountain,
says the LORD. -- Isaiah 65
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Germany - Part I
We also had time for some fun. I was able to check off one item from my “bucket list” – I got to play tennis on a red clay court! I don’t think Rafael Nadal or Roger Federer have anything to worry about from Wilhelm, Gerd, or me (left). We also enjoyed a lot of delicious food, including a fine venison dinner from a deer Wilhelm had shot just two weeks before (right).
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Scotland Photos

Back In Pella
Our time in Germany was wonderful -- we saw a lot of great sites and had a fantastic time with the Schuenemanns. I hope to get some photos from Europe posted between now and Friday, so be sure to check back!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Fortnight Is Over
Our flight to Frankfurt was uneventful, and getting around with my little German has been a fun adventure so far. Tomorrow we leave on the train to visit Wilhelm's family until Monday morning, when we fly home. We are looking forward to seeing Germany, and to seeing Wilhelm and his family.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
GoMA in Glasgow
The week at Iona was very renewing. I enjoyed building community, working side by side with wonderful people, and having time to pray and reflect as I walked about a harshly beautiful island with extraordinary old buildings from early Celtic Christianity. I discovered a lot about myself, about God, and about community. I also was surprised how deeply alone I felt when I arrived in Glasgow. Even though I was having a "wee walk" through the downtown streets with thousands of other people, I missed the community I had on Iona, and I missed Karin and my family. I felt alone, in an "in-between" sort of place.
Karin should be in the air as I write this. I will shortly be going to check out of the hotel and take the shuttle to Edinburgh, so I can get checked into our hotel there and then go "collect" Karin at the airport. I am looking forward to being with her and sharing the sights and sounds and food and culture of Scotland and Germany together.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Staffa was magnificent. The basalt columns and Fingal's Cave (which inspired Mendelssohn) were fantastic. And the puffins were delightful! They love people because people scare away the seagulls, their main predator. So when people gather on the top of the cliffs (where the puffin nests are), and wait patiently, the puffins will gather on the cliffs, often only a few feet away! They are adorable and make a wonderful cooing sound which reminded me of the contented sound some people make after a good meal. But their finding protection from their enemies at the feet of people reminded me how we find protection from our enemies at the feet of God -- "deliver me from the evil one..."
Tomorrow morning I'll be leaving Iona and heading to Glasgow, and then on to meet Karin in Edinburgh. I can't wait to see her again!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Service of Prayers for Healing
Today we will be taking a boat trip to the island of Staffa to see the puffins and Fingal's Cave, a remarkable geological formation that inspired Mendelson to write some beautiful music. Hopefully the weather will be such that there isn't much seasickness!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pilgrimage Day
Last night I attended a ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee), which is the Scottish version of a barn dance or square dance. It was a lot of fun. A lot of this week has been about living in community, enjoying the gifts and differences of others, and sharing our unity in Christ -- a good thing for the Church to do. We don't have to agree on everything, but we can still love and trust one another.
Tonight is a service of prayer for healing -- to pray for healing physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally; and to pray for healing of the nations, and so on. I've especially been looking forward to this service, as I think there will be ways to incorporate this sort of service back home at Pella I.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Report from Iona
The journey here was a delight. It was fun to spend some time in Edinburgh and Glasgow before the long journey -- eating cullen skink, riding a double-decker bus, listening to a bagpiper, and watching the Andy Murray-Andy Roddick tennis match in a pub in Glasgow. It was a great time.
The journey was long -- it took almost 8 hours to get from my hotel in Glasgow to the isle of Iona, including two bus rides (one on a one-lane road across the isle of Mull, which was quite exciting!) and two ferry rides. But the travel was uneventful.
The isle of Iona has a harsh beauty. Rocky outcroppings with green pasture land, and full of old ruins of various types. I'm staying in a room in the Abbot's House, adjoining the Abbey, with six other men, all clergy, four from the US, one from Canada, and one from England. There are about 50 residents staying here this week, I think, and they are from a variety of nations. It's a wonderful thing to live in community with such a diverse group. We don't all agree on a lot of things, but we all live together in community, in harmony. What the church is supposed to be, right?
The worship here has been very simple. Services are at 9am and 9pm each day, with themes for the evening times of worship. Last night was a time of quiet worship, tonight will be a service focusing on justice and peace.
The island is a beautiful place to explore, and I hope to go on an "off-road" pilgrimage tomorrow to see and learn about some of the sights.
There is also a lot of time to rest, to pray, to read, to walk, to nap, and to wonder at the determination of St. Columba and the other monks who established this place.
I don't have the ability to download my photos to the computer in the hotel, so pictures will have to wait. But know that I am here safely, and that all is well.